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Structural and Tree Species Diversification Challenging Task in Forests of Mountains, Czech Republic
Division 1 - Silviculture
CONTENT PASSWORD: "IUFRO" Powerpoint (ppt) commented presentation popularizing our article (aims, methods, results complemented by photos and recorded accompanying commentary). Article link: https://bioone.org/journals/mountain-research-and-development/volume-40/issue-2/MRD-JOURNAL-D-19-00059.1/Structural-and-Tree-Species-Diversification-as-a-Challenging-Task-in/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-19-00059.1.full

Nursery chain and forest reproductive material in the Mediterranean
IUFRO Task Force: Strengthening Mediterranean nursery systems for forest reproductive material procurement to adapt to the effects of the climate change
Readiness of Mediterranean nursery system to meet climate change challenges: facts and needs

How to plan tomorrow’s forest?
Division 8 - Forest Environment
The forest in the semi-arid are under threat. Climate and land-use changes have been causing their decline and lack of natural regeneration. This video shows how local site characteristics influence the long-term forest growth. Using this knowledge we can improve planning and regenerate the forests for our future.

Education that makes a difference – the BOKU Mountain Forestry Masters program
IUFRO Member Organization: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU, Austria
Recognizing the strong leverage of inputs into mountain regions for global sustainability and poverty alleviation, BOKU - University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, runs a Masters Program for Mountain Forestry

CATIE: an ally in the sustainable management and conservation of forests
IUFRO Member Organization: CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), Costa Rica
Turrialba, Cartago
From CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), through research and education, we seek to contribute to the territorial management, conservation and sustainable management of forests in Latin America so that the region can benefit from the multiple goods and services offered by these landscapes, especially to the populations.

CATIE: un aliado en el manejo sostenible y la conservación de los bosques
IUFRO Member Organization: Oregon State University College of Forestry
Turrialba, Cartago
Con nuestro trabajo en bosques atendemos las necesidades de los países de la región en el tema forestal, para así mejorar el bienestar humano.

Research areas and work at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR)
IUFRO Member Organization: University of Birmingham, Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR)
The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) informs about their research on Forest Health, Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE), interdisciplinary topics and many more relevant forest-related research topics.

Enhancing livelihoods and food security through improved forest management in Nepal
IUFRO Member Organization: ForestAction, Nepal
ForestAction Nepal shares a list of published articles, a peer reviewed journal and a video highlighting their work on enhancing livelihoods of local communities through improved forest management.

ICBR in 20 years
IUFRO Member Organization: International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, China
A special-made video to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Centre for bamboo and Rattan, giving accounts of the basics of our research institute and the progress made in the past two decades.

Collection of the work of the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute including publication, articles, posters and recorded sessions
IUFRO Member Organization: Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI), Ethiopia
Addis Ababa
The Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research provides a recorded session on innovate sustainable technologies, several publications and articles on their research work in Ethopia and a link to find out more on the EEFRI website.

Exacerbation of Climate Change
IUFRO Member Organization: University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria
This video is creating awareness about the effects of climate change on all aspects of human ranging from Agriculture, health among others. It points out that mitigating climate change is on a one man job hence everybody should sit up to curtail the menace.

Promoting the use of sustainably grown and harvested timber bamboo
IUFRO Member Organization: World Bamboo Organization:, USA
The World Bamboo Organization shows two videos: "Promoting sustainably grown and harvested timber bamboo as a major contributor for both global climate change and poverty mitigation" and "It's time to plant bamboo"

Integrating forestry research into knowledge transfer in Ireland
IUFRO Member Organization: Teagasc, Ireland
Galway, Ireland
The Teagasc Forestry Development Department provides integrated research, advisory and training services to the farm forestry sector in Ireland. This video highlights some of our research and extension activities.

Forest as a role in mitigating climate change
Division 6 - Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
This session will discuss the roles of forest ecosystem services in mitigating climate change while prioritizing biodiversity and sustainability. The efforts taken by tropical countries, focusing on Malaysia and Indonesia to reduce carbon emission through improved sustainable forest management, especially in timber harvesting operation, are discussed following the recent webinar of Forest Operation and Climate Change- The RIL-C Approach. This session will continue with a talk delivered by Assoc Prof Dr Zaiton Samdin from Universiti Putra Malaysia, addressing forest as an agent for climate change mitigation and benefit to the society and economy in a recorded session. The title of her talk is Tropical Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services.

Latvian State Forest Research institute "Silava" - the place where grow up new ideas of forest research.
IUFRO Member Organization: Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Latvia
Video: LSFRI Silava researchers will tell about latest research projects what are focused on issues related to forestry and forest ecosystem services, tree breeding and genetic resources, climate change and forest regeneration.

Research for Resilient Forests in a Changing Environment - Introduction to the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF)
IUFRO Member Organization: Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
The video briefly introduces the history, scientific & research achievements and international cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) over the past more than 60 years.

Resources in Forest and Conservation History
IUFRO Member Organization: Forest History Society, United States
Durham, NC
The Forest History Society hosts numerous databases in forest & conservation history, archival collections, oral histories, publications, films, and over 200,000 historic photographs. Contact the FHS Librarian, Archivist, and Historian for assistance..

Tree diversity experiment informs tropical dry forest restoration
IUFRO Member Organization: KU Leuven, Belgium
The UN Decade of Restoration is in big need of proven dry forest restoration techniques. Among the international TreeDivNet few experiments evaluate tree diversity effects in dryland forests. This poster reports first results of the Ethiopian IDENT tree diversity experiment, where both tree diversity and shade show positive effects on growth.

Video Collage of Division 4
Division 4 - Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management
Vancouver, BC
A video collage of 20-25 30 second videos of division 4 members will be streamed. In these short videos, officers will introduce themselves and their work. The video will highlight the diversity of members.

Rate of growth between juvenile and mature wood of five Indian tree species
IUFRO Member Organization: Indian Council of Forest Research and Education, India
Growth rates of five Indian tree species were determined and environment was found to be a major factor affecting growth rate in trees. Growth rings hold potential for revealing the environment in which the tree was growing.

Forest Research Centre & Rainforest Discovery Centre of the Sabah Forestry Department
IUFRO Member Organization: Sabah Forestry Department, Malaysia
The Forest Research Centre (FRC) is the R&D division of the Sabah Forestry Department. Featured here are the current research programmes and priorities of the centre. Besides FRC, the Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) is also highlighted. RDC which is also located in Sepilok, Sandakan, is one of Sabah’s prime environmental education and nature recreation centres.

Integrated Management of Awba Dam for Sustainable Utilisation
IUFRO Member Organization: University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, Nigeria
Rehabilitation of Awba-Dam watershed ecosystem to conserve aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity, threatened by nonpoint source pollution and eutrophication. The dam, constructed in 1964, supplies water to the University community.

Introduction to the Swedish Faculty of Forestry
IUFRO Member Organization: Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), sweden
We present the Swedish Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU). With our uploaded material we will present our Departments, Bachelor and Master programs (with emphasis on those taught in english), and key Research programs.

Advancing Wood Identification to Promote a Sustainable Supply Chain of Forest Products
Division 5 - Forest Products
to combat illegal logging and its associated trade, and to support a sustainable supply chain of forest products through the development of advanced wood identification tools or systems

Humipedons - Critical zone
IUFRO Member Organization: Universit� degli Studi di Padova, Italy
The life process needs a particular environment which is very common in our Universe. Soil takes place in the heart of the our planet critical zone. An Android or iOS application allows to classify in a standardised process the humipedon, the more “critical zone” of...the soil.

IUFRO Member Organization: Francisco José de Caldas District University - Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Colombia
An analysis of the commensalist relationship and morphophysiological adaptations between "Quercus humboldtii" (Fagaceae) as a phorophyte and epiphytes of the Andean forest is presented, and additionally a general review of the study on the patterns of vertical distribution of bryophytes in trees of Q. humboldtii, in the municipality of Belmira, department of Antioquia, is carried out.

State-of-the-art Research Topics for the Future
IUFRO Member Organization: Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Selected researchers from FFPRI’s research areas on forest, forestry, wood industry and forest tree breeding present state-of-the-art topics of their research including future perspective and international collaboration.

Mount Makiling Forest Reserve
IUFRO Member Organization: Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems (MCME), University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
Los Banos, Laguna
MCME shows a short video highlights the different flagship programs and projects being implemented in Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve (MMFR) and an infographic about the impact of Mount Makiling Forest Reserve as an ASEAN Heritage Park.

World Wood Day: A Global and Cultural Event to Embrace Sustainability
IUFRO Member Organization: International Wood Culture Society (IWCS), USA
Newport Beach
The introductory video of World Wood Day shows the beauty and the cultural value of wood and forests through multicultural and multidisciplinary programs for a better understanding and public involvement.

The Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA)
IUFRO Member Organization: Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA), Ghana
A brief description of the Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting the goals and objectives of the network and its thematic areas of focus in line with IUFRO's current Strategic focus.

IUFRO Member Organization: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), Tanzania
Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) was established by Act No.5 of 1980 to conduct, co-ordinate and regulate forestry research as well as to disseminate scientific information to end users.

Everyone’s right to forest science - Open access publishing in forest sciences
IUFRO Member Organization: Finnish Society of Forest Science, Finland
Openness and transparency are science’s basic values. Wide dissemination and reproducibility of research results call for open science. Our slideshow discusses the open access concept and services for open research.

Profile and current publications of the Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry and Environment and the Forest Product Department at IPB University
IUFRO Member Organization: Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), Indonesia
Find articles and explore the website of the Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University). The Department of Forest Management was established in 1968 under the Faculty of Forestry IPB-University and consists of three divisions: forestry planning, forestry policy, and forest resources utilization. The Department of Forest Products provides education in the technology of utilization and processing of forest products.

Towards understanding the soil and water fate of pesticides in South African plantation forests
IUFRO Member Organization: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
George, Western Cape
The presentation will present results of a trial that investigated the environmental fate of pesticides applied operationally in South African plantation forests

IUFRO UNIT 4.05.05 shows their work on social innovation and entrepreneurship
Division 4 - Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management
Find a Spotlight of the Session on social innovation at the Anniversary Congress in Freiburg and a brochure that demonstrates the knowledge of social innovation in forestry.

Traditional Forest-related Knowledge meets Forest Science: An intercultural dialogue
IUFRO Member Organization: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
Buenos Aires
A conversation between a Kolla elder, a forest engineer from the same Indigenous People, moderated by a western social scientist, on the Indigenous cosmovision, the complementarity of TFRK and western science and the potential to address environmental challenges.

APAFRI: Asia Pacific Association of Research Institutions
IUFRO Member Organization: Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
APAFRI was setup during the meeting of the Heads of Forestry Research in Asia Pacific held in Bogor, Indonesia in 1995. The overall objective of the organisation is to foster the development of forestry research for sustainable forest management in the Asia Pacific Region. The APAFRI Secretariat is now hosted in the beautiful campus of the Forest Research Institute Malaysia. We welcome collaboration from interested parties to further enhance our capacity building activities on R&D for the benefits of our member institutions in the Asia Pacific region.

Activities of Forest Research Division
IUFRO Member Organization: Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (Iran), Iran
considering the ecological diversity of the country, the main view of this division is based on the ecosystem approach, in which it is necessary first of all to understand the existential nature, ecological characteristics and the natural succession of forest stands in order to preserve forest and soil.

New initiatives, research, and education from The Forest School at Yale School of the Environment
IUFRO Member Organization: The Forest School, Yale School of the Environment, Connecticut, USA
New Haven
The Forest School at Yale School of the Environment shared information about new grants and initiatives, education and outreach, and research publications. Highlights include the new Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture, an online speaker series on the Promise and Practice of Community Forestry, and research published in thematic areas of Forest Ecology, Urban Forestry, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, and Wildlife. For more information you can subscribe to The Overstory newsletter.

Green jobs – The future of employment in the forest sector
IUFRO Member Organization: Joint EFI-IFSA-IUFRO Project "Student networking and green jobs in the forest sector", Germany
Compilation of activities and resources related to the joint EFI-IFSA-IUFRO project, which offers traineeship to forestry students, conducts research on forest education and employment and explores way to prepare foresters for future