Forest as a role in mitigating climate change
This session will discuss the roles of forest ecosystem services in mitigating climate change while prioritizing biodiversity and sustainability. The efforts taken by tropical countries, focusing on Malaysia and Indonesia to reduce carbon emission through improved sustainable forest management, especially in timber harvesting operation, are discussed following the recent webinar of Forest Operation and Climate Change- The RIL-C Approach. This session will continue with a talk delivered by Assoc Prof Dr Zaiton Samdin from Universiti Putra Malaysia, addressing forest as an agent for climate change mitigation and benefit to the society and economy in a recorded session. The title of her talk is Tropical Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services.

The efforts taken by tropical countries, focusing on Malaysia and Indonesia to reduce carbon emission through improved sustainable forest management, especially in timber harvesting operation, are discussed following the recent webinar of Forest Operation and Climate Change- The RIL-C Approach. This session will continue with a talk delivered by Assoc Prof Dr Zaiton Samdin from Universiti Putra Malaysia, addressing forest as an agent for climate change mitigation and benefit to the society and economy in a recorded session. The title of her talk is Tropical Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services.