registration NOW OPEN!
Registration to the event is free, there is no registration fee. The registration system for the IUFRO World Day 2021 is put in place by IUFRO Headquarters. The system allows participants to register for the whole 24-hour event including all associated sessions and content (parallel sessions, networking sessions, science policy forums and further content by IUFRO Units and Member Organizations). The registration is accessible through the event website and generate a code for you to access the user interface of the forum.
If you are not a IUFRO Member, we would like to cordially invite you to register and attend the event as part of the audience. If you are a IUFRO Member and session host, please likewise register through our registration system.

Please note that the deadline for submission of sessions has passed.
After you have submitted the proposal form, IUFRO Headquarters will prepare a timetable and allocate a starting time to your session (the first 15 min will be reserved for you, but the session can carry on after the designated 15 min time slot). You will be contacted with the corresponding details and asked to confirm your session. You will need to provide a link to your session by the 31 August to egger@iufro.org. This will then be integrated into the user interface of the IUFRO World Day event. We are looking forward to your contribution. If you have not received a confirmation for your session, please contact us.
You can find a set of guidelines for session hosts here.
Please note that the deadline for submission of content has passed.
After you have submitted the proposal form, IUFRO Headquarters will, you will be contacted with the corresponding details and asked to confirm your contribution. You will need to provide a link to your content by the 31 August to egger@iufro.org. This will then be integrated into the user interface of the IUFRO World Day event. We are looking forward to your contribution. If you have not received a confirmation for your session, please contact us.